Ferrari Porsche Racing Ephemera

Small Cars for Small Drivers

The piece of whimsy that is the Little Big Mans is almost reason enough on its own to attend the LeMans Classic. It’s absolutely marvelous, and it looks like there’s still room on the grid for a few more entries. Is it wrong to envy a 10-year-old?

The phenomenon of miniature sportscars for children is absolutely fascinating. There are a handful of workshops crafting high-quality reproductions of some of the world’s most desirable autos in 1:2.3 scale—marvelous!

Blanc Chateau seems to be heavily involved in the running of the Little Big Mans race and offers their junior versions of the BMW 328, the Ferrari P-2, and Porsche Speedster. Porsches abound from Pennewitz Design, who offers their own version of the Speedster, plus a 550 Spyder and Porsche 904 for good measure. They are all absolutely incredible, if you look quickly you’d be convinced it’s the genuine article and not an extravagant plaything. Although if I were to spring for one, I’d be too tempted to keep it for myself rather than hand the keys over to Junior. Maybe it’s best, hard to tell if this would make him the coolest kid ever or the wicked preppie in a John Hughes movie.

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