
Reader Photos: Oulton Park Gold Cup

Felix sent in these shots he captured at this year’s Oulton Park Gold Cup race a few weeks ago. I’m constantly taking photos when I attend historic races and I’m always disappointed when I see what shots from a proper photographer like Felix turn out like. There’s something about the color, a sort of cool softness to the shots that make the atmosphere feel so much more refined and important than I’m ever able to capture.
Naturally, I’m going to continue to blame my equipment. Head on over to Felix’s F1 Imagery blog for the rest of the set. Thanks Felix!

0 replies on “Reader Photos: Oulton Park Gold Cup”

Surely a different look from when I was at Oulton Park to record the astounding sounds of the Mercedes W-125 and W-163…Brooks and Collins up…in the rain and mist. First time the Germans showed these remarkable cars after WW II.

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