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Most Superb Package of Motoring Pleasure a Man Ever Had

The new Lotus +2S 130 is the most superb package a man ever had waiting at his door. Here is all the incomparable roadholding and cornering for which Lotus is the acknowledged world leader. All the style and luxury with which the +2 has always been endowed. And something extra—a new 130 bhp BIG-valve engine and detailed improvements to the suspension and transmission that mean a more outstanding performance than ever. If you want for yourself the most enjoyable driving the world can offer, you want the Lotus +2S 130. Recommended price £2,744. See your nearest dealer now, listed opposite.
Lotus Cars Limited, Norwich, Norfolk, NOR 92W Tel: Wymendham 3411

Dig those bellbottoms.

0 replies on “Most Superb Package of Motoring Pleasure a Man Ever Had”

I owned one for several years. I’m guessing that it would be cheaper to maintain a Ferrari. Most of the interior pieces crumbled in my hands. The dash shook. The gauges didn’t work.The Stromberg carbs were ugly and didn,t work. he floor of the trunk collapsed under the weight of two suitcases. The exhaust leaked into the passanger compartment…which wasn’t bad because it kept my children quiet and just this side of revolt about their quarters in the “back seat”…Oh, did I mention the crazing of the fiberglass? Or the tailpipe that kept falling on the ground…How about the black squishy stuff that was supposed to hold the windshield in…did I mention that?
No, my memories are not entirely fond for that car…but it was beautiful from the rear..not the front as this ad so clearly points out. I did dearly love my Cortina Lotus

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