
Triumph Spitfire Engine Rebuild Doesn’t Look So Hard…

…When it does it itself.

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Defineitely has the look and Feel of an old Clay-mation(Gumby) production. I love it!……and the music choice (Fantasia??) is perfect!!
I second the “Bravo”,….while standing in my seat and clapping wildy.

Just now noticing the comment of 11 months, 3000 pictures. Crikey! I appreciate it even more now! Thanks for the effort…..all just to amuse us. Gotta love it!

Wow, brilliant! Now, I’m not a car guy. Heck, I’m not even a guy. But I found this engine rebuild video to be inspiring and well worth your 11 months of effort to produce!

Fun to watch! The music is actually Grieg’s Peer Gynt Suite, In the Hall of the Mountain King… 🙂

As a kid of 15, it took me about a year to rebuild my old Ford flathead engine. as in this film there was always a few little pieces left over that I had no idea where they were to go. When we started it up it made an awful racket so we tore it down again. We found a smashed head bolt that had been left in the #7 cylinder. I blamed it on my buddy.

HA! I did this engine overhaul at least 2 or 3 times on my 60 Herald 948. Could have used some good music to make the work go easier. Brilliant video! Kudos………

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