Porsche Video

Motorhead’s Porsche Museum

Japan’s Motorhead Magazine visited the Porsche museum and they’ve let us tag along.
Now I know you’re going to be tempted to read these subtitles. I understand how difficult it is to try overcome the urge. It just compels the viewer to glance down at that text; wrestling with your brain and your eyes.

It’s ok. Don’t fight it. Go ahead and read along. Then start the video over and lose yourself in those slow, luxurious pans over these breathtaking machines.

0 replies on “Motorhead’s Porsche Museum”

Watching that I have fantasies of acting like the parking garage attendants in “Ferris Bueller”. The problem is that it would take me so long to make up my mind as to what car to grab that I’d never get there. I’d be torn over the Donahue 917/30 and the long-tail 935.

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